Saturday, September 24, 2011

Let's try blogging again.

It's been a while since I last blogged. I guess you can blame it on having an almost year-and-a-half-year-old and being pregnant with baby #2.

Life continues to boggle my mind. How did I get here? Well, it certainly wouldn't all be possible without the love of my life, Drew. I don't think I take as much time as I used to to tell him how appreciated he is for what he's provided to me. And now what he provides to Courtney and soon-to-be Samantha. I love you Drew.

We're in the final weeks of countdown for Samantha Paige's arrival (week 34). We're doing our best to tell Courtney what's going on (i.e., she's going to be a big sister). We ask her where "Sissy" or "Sammy" is and often she'll touch my belly. It's a sweet moment. A moment that makes me stop and say to myself, or to Drew, we are some of the luckiest people on Earth.

And then Courtney proceeds to give us a high-pitch scream or climb on the furniture. That moment makes me stop and say, good lord help us. :)

All in all, we're very excited to be a family of four. We're going to have two precious and beautiful little girls. I sorta can't wait. Which is good, considering we're almost there. Thanksgiving and Christmas (maybe even Halloween) are going to be fantastic. Courtney will be celebrating her seconds and Samantha her firsts. In January, we'll look back as I head back to the office, and think, how did it happen so fast?

Treasure each moment and remember it forever!

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